Touch is a basic need, that feeds emotions and life field. The energy that enters and feeds the body is also seen on the reflex points on the palms, where the main palm chakra is located. Other energy centers are located on the fingertips, that allow the palm to be open to different energies.

Clay is the material that has the power to awaken and clean the body of stagnated energy and helps with the flow of fresh ones. It helps to accomplish an energetic balance in the body. It is amazing for accomplishing relaxation and tranquility.


With my products without handles I would like to encourage people to genuine contact with clay. I want that the people feel its energy, the connection with nature and feel the various textures, that a material can offer with different surface treatments.

Trough my products I want to express my love for the work and material. At the same time I also want to highlight the cycle of circulation of clay’s energy trough the body and establish a connection of a person with nature.

Photo: Lovro Rozina